A Mid Summer Styling Workshop Success!

Time has finally allowed me to catch up on doing a write up of my past workshops that I held last summer and early fall. A Mid Summer Styling Workshop turned out to be very relaxing and chilled, which I was truly thankful for. How lucky once again for mother nature to turn on the rainclouds on me while I had made the decision to start setting up outside. Just when I was going to bring everything inside, the rain stopped ~ phew!
As the day got on, it was nice to get to know everyone and have the chance to step back, observe and take in what everyone else was doing. I was touched to know that so many talented photographers signed up. Perhaps that’s why I was able to take a moment and watch as things unfolded …… Each of these ladies had a creative eye, most had a camera and even if they didn’t, they used their smart phone and boy did they work it! It was such an honour to know that all the styling that I set up was something that they were inspired by. To give people the opportunity to style their own vignettes and photograph as they saw it, was exactly what I wanted to see. The most rewarding thing I have come to realize is at the end of the day, these ladies have taken away some of what I had to share and then they created their own beautifully, styled photographs. I have inspired people with my styling and photography but they have helped me see things in a whole new light and I am so thankful for that!
Thank you to these amazing ladies for signing up for my Mid Summer Styling Workshop:
Rebecca Runacres @rebeccarunacres Celisse Sargent @wheatgum Jacquie Alarie @jacquiealarie Kellie Armstrong @kellierae57 Holly Salvador @oneclickinbrunette Iulia Agnew @iulia.agnew Courtnee Pirozzini @courtneepphotos Airisa Seflere @airisa_photography Lianne Wessner Deborah Thiel @dgthiel Kellie Armstrong @littlenestdesign
A Special thank you goes out to Cindy Mast @cindygraymast for helping me throughout the day by taking care of refreshments and small bites. You have a knack of keeping everything under control behind the scenes and your coffee is always perfect.
And to the lovely sponsors who were so generous in donating beautiful things for our swag bags ……
School House Farm @schoolhouse_farm, Southlands Nursery @southlandsnurseryvancouver, Sampson’s Antique Co @sampsonsantiqueco, Dragon Fly Antique and Salvage @dragonfly.antique.salvage, Covet and Co. @covetandco, Vancouver Candle Co. @vancouvercandleco, The Graze Company @thegrazecompany, The Chocolate Bear Shoppe @thechocolatebearshoppe and Sweet Baked Goods @sweetbakeshop.
Photography by Tracey Ayton and Celisse Sargent
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