A Late Spring Styling Workshop Wrap Up

Well hello there!
I have finally been able to sit down after a very busy weekend, full of hard work but so happy to know that I had a very successful workshop. My Late Spring Styling Workshop went off without a hitch …………… EXCEPT that it rained so we couldn’t have our planned picnic down by the beach….. surrounded by sunshine every other day …… I’ll chalk this up to being good luck. Ahhh C’est la vie…!!! But in the end, I was really happy with how everyone compromised and made it work. There were so many beautiful vignettes being created and while I walked around I saw each attendee work every angle of them, with either their SLR or their phone, and capture it perfectly. I can safely say that everyone went home with a good bunch of pretty photos. At the end of the day, I was truly blessed to know that such an amazing group of women wanted to sign up for my workshop and learn something from me that I am so passionate about. To be recognized for something that I love to do, makes me so happy and to see all of them have the same passion and creative fire in them, made my day complete. I stood back and watched everyone having fun and knew that I had succeeded with what I set out to do ……. seeing in them that same passion and inspiration I started out with over 25 years ago.
Thank you to all of those who signed up, I will never forget you…..
Saleme Fayad – @salemefayad_photography, Rita Homonnai – @ritavations, Ali Macrae – @alimacraedesign, Alison Kent – @alisonkent_home, Tijana Popovic – @aplentifullife, Kimberly Jones – @kimberlyallisonjones, Leanne Bird – @leannekbird, Monica Reyes – @morebymonica, Tracey Lieuwen – @tlieuwen, Michelle Mollinga – @michelle_mollinga, Wendy Taylor – @wtayls and Judy Dill – @lifeisbetterathome, Maria DeVries – @thechocolatebearshoppe.
A Special thank you goes out to Cindy Mast – @cindygraymast and Stephanie Chan – @thepauhaus I wouldn’t have been able to do it without your help and to my Jay, who cooked for the whole event …….. you get the husband of the year award!!!
And to the sponsors who were so generous in donating beautiful things for our swag bags ……
Southlands Nursery, Sampson’s Antique Co., Dragon Fly Antique and Salvage, Steel Wood Design, Three Corners Artisan, Pilo Studio, West coast Gardens, Indaba Trading Co., Janaki Larsen, Vancouver Candle Co.
Here are some snaps that I took during the whirlwind of the day.
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